Why People Choose us
We provide exotic services that meet and exceed parents’ expectations in all spheres of your ward’s mundane and spiritual life.
We nurture our learner-scholars to become 21st-century global leaders and Islamic personalities for global diverse teams. This we do by fostering them through full a fledged Ahlus-sunnah madrasah and a digitalized 21st century orthodox college.
Our curriculum has been magnificently synthesized from globally accepted occidental (orthodox) and oriental curricula (madrasah). With our growth mindset, our curriculum continuously evolves to meet contemporary and future global imperatives.
We develop 21st learning skills, literacy skills and essential life skills. Our learner-scholars organically develop the following fluencies while learning at Athary Leadership Academy:
- Critical thinking
- Communication
- Teaming
- Digital literacy
- Financial literacy
- Collaboration
- Creativity
- Productivity
- Information & Media literacy
- Leadership
We understand the significant role of languages (for socialization and learning) in building global citizens, we therefore equip our learner-scholars with both native and international languages – Yoruba (practical and literary), Arabic (classical and contemporary) and English language and literature.